Sunday 25 May 2014

Forthcoming Fieldwork 2014

The data collected in summer and autumn have been analysed during the first months of 2014. Interesting (although preliminary) results are now available. Particular attention was given to the intra-site analysis of the two huts in the Val Maudagna (Italy). The detailed study of spatial patterns of objects inside these structures and the analysis of soil samples gave significant insights for archaeological interpretation of seasonal sites and of alpine sites in particular. Besides, historical documents, ethno-historical references and the data recorded during the landscape surveys in Val Maudagna (Italy) and Vallee de Freissinieres (France), opened new perspectives for the study of historical mountain alpine landscapes. These perspectives will be the main focus of the next fieldwork campaign.
Two pastoral huts of Val Maudagna during the topographic survey
The 2014 fieldwork campaign of the EthWAL project will start in few weeks time. New archaeological surveys will be carried out, in order to identify and record new structures in the two study areas. Local farmers and herders will be interviewed, in order to learn something more about the exploitation of the mountain environment during the last century. Furthermore, shovel-tests will be undertaken inside sample structures. The aim of these excavations will be: 1) understanding the function of these sites and whether (and how) this function changed in time; 2) identifying when these structures were built; 3) identifying when these structures were abandoned (and possibly why).
One of the sample sites selected in the Vallee de Freissinieres (France)
Updates regarding the different phases of the forthcoming fieldwork campaign will be posted in this blog. Remarks, questions, doubts, suggestion are warmly welcomed!!